He has shown you, oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you: to walk justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Sometimes it's nice to just stay home and read a book. I don't really like doing that in my last weeks, but tonight it worked out perfectly. Kenia came over to use my computer and I made some snacks, cleaned up and read my book. It was some good quality time together as she did her homework and I relaxed. Today I got 2 more offers on my car and I don't know who to sell it to. I'm not ready to be without a vehicle!

Since I didn't blog yesterday, I'll add some pictures from the day. Of course, we sold recess snacks. 50 cent hot dogs with a cup of soda or 25 cent fruit salad/juice. We actually made a profit this day!

And then I forgot my phone at school- hence the no pictures from the rest of the day: lunch at Noemi's house (block 8), showing car to potential buyer #1, washing & waxing car in the dark, dinner with Jessie & Carlos O, falling into bed exhausted.

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