He has shown you, oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you: to walk justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Filled Up

Today I said some goodbyes. I said goodbye to a special house where I've spent many days peeling oranges and roasting coffee and many nights listening to rain on a tin roof and bug choirs. I said goodbye to a teenage boy who I taught music to for a few years at Hope of Bastion School. He's a really sweet guy who, although has gotten in a lot of trouble in the past, is dedicated to start living for the Lord. He's not in school right now and is helping out on the family farm. I almost started crying right there as he hugged me and told me that he would miss me. I also said goodbye to Sarita. Sarita is a beautiful, godly woman. Her humble house is always full of people and her radio is always tuned in to the Bible station, the BBN. For more of her story and this special place that is Las Jaguitas, see the March 2014 article of Missions Magazine. Missions March 2014

My despedida from Las Jaguitas was special. I have so many amazing memories from this place. I was able to take my car on another trip (maybe selling it tomorrow???) and use the 4 wheel drive power on those crazy country roads. Kenia and I went to Las Jaguitas yesterday with our friend Denisse, who wanted to do a dental hygiene day with the kids from this area. Denisse brought two of her friends who have just finished dentistry school and they did some teeth cleaning and fluoride treatments for the kids.

Kenia, Denisse & I did a Kids' Club with games, songs and a Bible lesson:

I was sent home full: a full belly from a huge meat BBQ, a full car with oranges, plantains and coffee from Sarita's farm, and a full heart.

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