He has shown you, oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you: to walk justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Meanwhile, back in Ecuador...

Jim Elliot once said, "Wherever you are, be all there." Or something to that effect. I think that's really difficult. I'm here, in the United States of America, enjoying my time. Really, thoroughly enjoying people, places and life here. But I DO still think of Ecuador and life there. Life continues on and Ecuador life is important to me too. 

Kenia and Olmedo in Las Juaguitas

My dear friend Kenia started a music school out on the farm where her husband's family is from. She and her husband when out to the different farming communities and invited children ages 5-11 to come to a free music class on Wednesdays at 2:30pm. The kids are streaming in, without fail. A week ago, Kenia's students gave their first recorder performance tests and she excitedly reports that they are reading music! Yesterday, the kids brought materials in and they all left with creatively decorated maracas, apparently covering everyone and everything in glitter. Kenia and Olmedo also hope to reach the surrounding communities for Christ through "Regalos de Amor" or "Gifts of Love". On Saturday, they had their first gift distribution. Kenia and some friends from a sister church in Guayaquil brought gift baskets of sugar, oil, rice and clothes to 3 of her student's families. When Kenia wants to get something done, she is ALL in!

Meanwhile in Guayaquil, Kids' Club and Youth Group are continuing on.

If you don't already know, we started a Kids' Club and Youth group in a poorer section of town about 2 years ago. We meet in my friend Noemi's house (her family pictured in the top left) and get an average of 30 kids at Kids' Club and 12 Youth. Our Youth Group does not have big flashy programs... it's basically a Bible Study- and these youth are learning the Bible!! I had been praying for men to rise up and help in these ministries and God has provided some wonderful leaders! Namely, Carlos and Raul. Before I left for the US, Carlos and I took some of the youth on a trip to Guayaquil's Historical Park. We had a great time together!

I left Kenia in charge of my classes at Hope of Bastion School and she's teaching right now as I write! 

I've been enjoying my new job as an English teacher at school this year. Lesson plans are so much easier! As a music teacher, I had to create lessons out of thin air and pure creativity. Now, I can see what's up next by opening the teacher's manual! As an observer, however, you might not see a big difference between my English classes and Music classes. We sing, sing, sing!

And those are my thoughts on Ecuador for the moment.

I miss my friends.
I miss my friends/co-workers.
I'm thankful to be home.

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