He has shown you, oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you: to walk justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Sunday, May 16, 2010

a little bit of news

I thought you might like to see all 140 kids at my school! This is them lining up in the all purpose room to pray and sing the national anthem and some other warm up songs.
I was hoping that a nice cold shower would hit me with blogging inspiration. It didn’t. But I owe you an update, so please pardon my lack of creativity. I’m going to blame it on my cold. Yes, I got a cold. L My first sickness in Ecuador. I noticed that the weather changed one day. It got cooler! Well, maybe not cool, but not hot! The next day everyone was complaining of sore throats. Oh these crazy Ecuadorians who get sick when the temperature drops below 90 degrees… Not so fast, Erin. And now I’m sick! I went to church this morning, and then spent the rest of the day reading books and watching movies. I’m hoping to have a functional voice for school tomorrow! I’m subbing for an English teacher.This is a family that I’m getting to know. Jenny is in 6th grade and probably the most responsible 10 year old that I’ve ever met. She takes care of her little sister, prepares food, cleans the house and is just really, really sweet. Her little sister, Diana, took this picture.

I’m branching out of Block 6 a little and heading over to Block 7! Bastion is basically this big hill covered with houses. As you go farther up the hill and come back down the other side, you enter different blocks. A girl at church asked me to come to her neighborhood and do a Bible study with some of her friends. I went for the first time on Friday and it was really encouraging! There were 6 of us at her friend’s house and they seemed to really like the study. We’re going to go through a Navigator’s discipleship workbook together. I’m not sure if all of her friends have trusted in Jesus yet, but they’re definitely interested!

I think my NyQuill is starting to kick in. I better sign off before I get kooky. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Kim DeGregorio Roth said...

haha good luck with that cold :-) and I love the pic of your school!!