He has shown you, oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you: to walk justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Some Sun & Some Sadness

I last left you with a Tsunami alert. I'm happy to report that we had no tsunami-related problems at or around camp this month. And rather than start from the beginning, and tell you every nitty-gritty detail about camp, I'll try to just focus on a few details of some of the news- since, WHEW! A lot has been going on.

This is one of my little girls at Week 2 of kids' camp. Week 2 was made up of kids from the Camp's immediate neighborhoods, and to my surprise, seemed to come from much poorer households than our kids from Bastion. My 8 year olds were sharing 1 toothbrush (until we gave them each their own) and most had about 1 extra set of clothes. It was a really fun week getting to know these little ones and teaching them about Jesus' love for each one of them. I used the color-Gospel bracelet in the cabin devotion times, and one day we went out to the beach to talk to God and ask Him to forgive us as we threw our "sins" (shells with some writing on them) into the waves. I hope these girls left camp with a clearer idea of God's love and forgiveness and I'm excited to see them again next year.

Our camp week ended on a
sad note. One of our good friends, a mom to 2 of our school kids, suddenly went to be with the Lord on Friday night. Lenny was fighting cancer about a year ago, and recently started to get sick again. When Jonny came to visit in January, he became best buds with little Lenny, her daughter who's hugging Jonny in the picture. When Jonny came back to Guayaquil for camp, we stopped by Lenny's house for an hour and hung out that Saturday. This picture is from that Saturday. We had no idea that she would be gone in less than a week from that day. She left a very sad husband, 6 kids (I believe), and lots of good friends. It's weird to not have Lenny to hug and talk to after church, and it was even stranger to look at my plans for our School Mom's Bible study and seeing Lenny's name on the top of the list. Things will definitely be different this year without this happy, wacky mom in our midst.

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